Friday, August 20, 2010

Life Takes a Turn

At the time of the last post I had no idea where life would take me. I was struggling with the decision to return to work or to retire. The thought of dressing up every morning and facing the world with an enthusiastic smile was daunting to say the least; so, I chose the retirement option.
For many days, even weeks, I was barely able to pull myself together to shower and dress. My only joy was found sitting in my cozy apartment with hubby, dogs, and BOOKS. The weather did not help my malaise. There was rarely a sunny day and when there was it was so cold I did not want to venture out from under my fleece throw.
Finally, I stumbled on news of the Savannah Book Festival and my spirits lifted. Hubby and I traveled to Savannah and met my cousin and her husband and we enjoyed a weekend of laughter and books. That was just what I needed. Savannah is a wonderful city and the book festival is beyond words. Vince Flynn was the keynote speaker and had he been the only author the trip would have been worth it. He was fantastic. He spoke of his books and his road to writing. It was inspirational and his patriotism phenominal.

While in Savannah the mid-Atlantic states where hit by a series of blizzards making our return questionable, so we traveled on to Jacksonville, FL to visit our daughter and her family. Occasionally we would text the temperature on bank signs to friends and family back home. Although shopkeepers would apologize for their 60 degree chill it was better than the 20 degrees at home.

Upon our eventual return home, I had made peace with my retirement and enjoyed the days of freedom to choose my activities. In May, we made a bold/crazy/exciting decision to pull up stakes and move to the beach. There are several family members in the Delaware shore communities so here we are blocks from the beach at Bethany.

Is there anything better than a chair on the beach with the water tickling your feet as you read a good book? Not that I can think of. I think now I have come full circle.   Now I am ready to resume my "Jottings on a Page."

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