"I’ve asked, in the past, about whether you more often buy your books, or get them from libraries. What I want to know today, is, WHY BUY?"
This is the BTT question for today. I used to buy excusively. I had a house with lots of room and lots of rooms. There were oodles of shelves and my family room was like a library with a corner of floor to ceiling book shelves. I loved it. BUT I didn't buy just to stock the shelves, that simply made my obsession easier. I need to possess my books. I want to know they are there when I need them. I like to feel them and smell them. I want to underline or star important ideas. When I read, I caress.
We moved.
Our desire was to simplify our lives. We wanted to make our lives easier. It isn't easy to move books. A condo is not conducive to book obsessions. I had to learn how to let go. I still have a room for my books. There is a third bedroom that has my shelves and two comfy chairs and good lighting. That is my hideaway but there isn't room to expand. I need to make use of the library (which is within walking distance).
Our library is excellent. The county system must be among the best in the country. I can search the catalog online at home in my pjs. Put in my request and in a few days everything is ready to pick up or on order for my turn. There is something exciting about a library.
but I still like Barnes and Noble...
I like the look of your blog -- the Winnie-the-Pooh drawing is great.
Thanks, beth
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